Sunday 26 May 2013

In Physical Chemistry, unit and significant figure play an important role. To learn more about unit and significant figure click on the link below.

1. Term and definition
2. Unit
3. Significant figure
4. Accuracy vs Precision

Posted by Unknown On 21:56 No comments READ FULL POST

Wednesday 22 May 2013

How to make a better mnemonic:

  1.  Make the remembered sentence more easily remembered: shorter, more logical, or more funny or more silly. If this sentence is too difficult to remember, you might as well just recite the actual set of words that you want to remember. 
  2. Each word reminds you of a word to remember. Instead of matching just the first letter, match two or more letters, better yet make it rhyme or echo the set of words to be remembered. 
  3. Perhaps add a picture, to visualize the idea.Example: For remembering Methane, Ethane, Propane, and Butane

    Meet Ethan, Professional Butler.

    MEthane ETHANe PROpane BUTane



Posted by Unknown On 09:41 No comments READ FULL POST

Sunday 19 May 2013

What is Plasma?

You are likely familiar with the 3 states of matter which we encounter during our everyday lives: solids, liquids, and gases. Yet there is a fourth state of matter less often encountered: plasma. Plasma makes up all of the stars, and is the most common form of matter in the visible universe. To understand plasma, let’s first quickly review the properties of the other states of matter.

A solid typically consists of a large number of atoms which are bound together with some definite structure. Now if we add enough energy (heat) to a solid, our experience tells us that it will melt and eventually become a liquid. In this state, the atoms only loosely interact with each other and the liquid is able to flow. Now if we once again add enough energy to the liquid, it will become a gas. In a gas, the atoms are totally free to “wander” around and, as a result, they will fill any container that they are put into. Next is where plasma comes in. If we have a gas that consists of single atoms, and we add sufficient energy (heat) to it, the negatively charged electrons which are typically bound to the positively charged nucleus of these atoms will overcome the pull of the nucleus (opposite charges attract). The result will be a “soup” of particles consisting of the free electrons (- charge) and the free nuclei (+ charge). This state is known as plasma. Fusion reactions require so much energy that they must occur with the hydrogen isotopes in this plasma state.

Since plasmas are made of charged particles every particle can interact with every other particle, even over very long distances. This makes plasmas behave very strangely compared to the other states of matter. When every particle “talks” to every other particle the material can form all sorts of waves and move in many complex ways. This makes studying plasmas very interesting and hard to do. The fact that 99% of the universe is made of plasmas makes studying them very important if we are to understand how the universe works. Lessons learned in plasma experiments on Earth can tell us things about how distant stars work.

Some examples of plasmas are:
- The glowing “gas” (actually plasma!) inside neon signs and fluorescent lights.
- The glowing parts of a plasma TV.
- The exhaust of big rockets.
- Lightning.
- The northern and southern lights.
- The solar wind and space weather.
- The Sun and all the stars.
- The stuff inside a fusion reactor.

Source of this post is from: 
Posted by Unknown On 20:04 No comments READ FULL POST
My dear students,
Congratulations and welcome to Perak Matriculation College. I am your lecture/ tutorial lecturer. All of the materials (notes, exercises and quiz ) will be uploaded in the dropbox below. Please check updates from time to time. Study smart! 

Posted by Unknown On 19:38 No comments READ FULL POST

Thursday 16 May 2013

Happy teachers' day to all my teacher from kindergarten to university, without you, I will not be who I am today. Have you wish your teachers yet?

Happy teachers' day to all my colleagues and friends who is an educator too. Education can change the world and it starts from us. HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY!

Posted by Unknown On 18:47 No comments READ FULL POST

Saturday 11 May 2013

What is your learning style? Knowing your learning style can help you to study better.
Posted by Unknown On 06:07 No comments READ FULL POST
Let watch this video to learn about mole concept.                             

Posted by Unknown On 05:45 No comments READ FULL POST
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